Semiconductor Devices and Equipment on a Record-breaking Spree but Materials Don’t Seem to Follow Suit
The demand for semiconductors and its allied segments are only increasing with time. Market research firms have reported that the devices and equipment market have surpassed the forecasted growth of 5%. The devices and equipment market logged a growth of 22% and 37% respectively, and thus surpassed their historical high! However, the materials market has a different story to tell. In this article, we’ll discuss these trends and what were the driving forces behind the same. Semiconductor Devices If we go back and have a look at the income generated during the year 2007, the graph indicates a figure of around 250 Billion USD and which dipped down to 230 Billion USD. The situation has since then improved tremendously and touched the magical number of 55 Billion USD. These changes can be attributed to the surge in semiconductor silicon shipment volumes along with the silicon revenues crossing the 21 percent mark. Equipment Catches Up with the Devices M...